(By authority of section 10 of Act No. 339 of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended, being S287.270 of the Michigan Compiled Laws)
R 285.129.1 Dog kennels.
Rule 1. (1) The following rule is hereby established to be effective on and after April 22, 1946:
(a) Any dog kennel which under Michigan state law is to be covered by a license shall be of such construction as will adequately and comfortably house any dogs kept therein at any season of the year. The buildings, including walls and floors, shall be of such construction as to be readily cleaned, and kennels and yards connected therewith used to confine kennel dogs shall be kept cleaned and free from accumulation of filth, mud, and debris.
(b) All dogs kept or maintained in connection with such kennels shall be furnished with a clean, fresh water supply and adequate and proper food to maintain such animals in a normal condition of health.
(c) The necessary inspections to be made under this rule to determine whether the same has been complied with shall be made by the dog warden, if there be one, otherwise by such person as may be appointed by the board of supervisors or the legislative body of the government unit involved. If no such appointment is made and in effect in any county, city, or village, then such inspection shall be made on behalf of the commissioner of agriculture by the sheriff or chief of police.
(d) In all cases, upon such inspection being satisfactory, a certificate of inspection shall be signed by such inspector on behalf of the commissioner of agriculture as required by the act.
(2) The provisions of this rule shall not be effective in the counties of this state that are operating under the provisions of section 16 of Act No. 79 of the Public Acts of 1933, being S287.276 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, wherein the board of supervisors have appointed a county dog warden with certain powers and duties, unless such counties by a resolution duly adopted by the board of supervisors accept the provisions of Act No. 245 of the Public Acts of 1945, being S287.261 et seq. of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
History: 1944 ACS 6; 1954 AC; 1979 AC.