Kalamazoo County Michigan - OUTLAWS
has amongst the higher individual dog license fees
at $8 for altered and $25 for unaltered ..update 12/2008
at $10 for altered and $30 for unaltered
(there are only 4 counties higher-now only 2)
I don't see where they have their own ordinance, so they must be enforcing the Dog Law of 1919, at least in theory. What they have written on their website makes no claim to be an "ordinance" nor does it refer to the Dog Law of 1919. They charge for a replacement tag, which violates the Dog Law of 1919.
Then there is the Kennel license page..........
After that....what a piece of work this is!!!!!!!!
Then they tack on these kennel inspection fees
3-10 dogs $40
11-30 dogs $65
31 + dogs $105
These people just can’t stand it. They have to add something of their own!
They add this, as well.
Kennel License inspections and sales are done in the month of May. If you did not have a kennel license the previous year, than you must notify Kalamazoo County Animal Services of your request for a Kennel License in April. Bullshit! You may apply at any time, it is the law!
If you did not have a kennel license for the previous year, you must first check with your local Township Office to make sure that the Township will allow you to operate a kennel at your location, and provide written permission for a kennel from your Township. Bullshit! The township has nothing to do with it, it is the law! The law says the treasurer shall issue the license and there is nothing in the law that gives the treasurer authority to do anything else! Call this abuse of authority by an elected official.
3-10 dogs $40
11-30 dogs $65
31 + dogs $105
These people just can’t stand it. They have to add something of their own!
They add this, as well.
Kennel License inspections and sales are done in the month of May. If you did not have a kennel license the previous year, than you must notify Kalamazoo County Animal Services of your request for a Kennel License in April. Bullshit! You may apply at any time, it is the law!
If you did not have a kennel license for the previous year, you must first check with your local Township Office to make sure that the Township will allow you to operate a kennel at your location, and provide written permission for a kennel from your Township. Bullshit! The township has nothing to do with it, it is the law! The law says the treasurer shall issue the license and there is nothing in the law that gives the treasurer authority to do anything else! Call this abuse of authority by an elected official.
First time Kennel operators applying for a Kennel License, must have all dogs on the property currently licensed by March 1st . Bullshit! You apply at any time! Any dogs on the property without a current license between March 1st and the date of a Kennel License being issued will be considered delinquent and may be subject to the delinquent fines. Bullshit! Not if you have applied for a kennel license!
Once a Kennel License is issued, it will be valid until the same time next year.
Pardon my "French", but this is just totally outrageous! ! ! and All violations of the Michigan Dog Law of 1919.
You don’t have to wait until April and have all your dogs licensed already by then. What a piece of work. These people are really bloodthirsty! This means, according to them, you have to pay double/triple for the first year. That isn't the way it works! This is just so outrageous.
According to them you would pay
Once a Kennel License is issued, it will be valid until the same time next year.
Pardon my "French", but this is just totally outrageous! ! ! and All violations of the Michigan Dog Law of 1919.
You don’t have to wait until April and have all your dogs licensed already by then. What a piece of work. These people are really bloodthirsty! This means, according to them, you have to pay double/triple for the first year. That isn't the way it works! This is just so outrageous.
According to them you would pay
1. Indiviudal dog license fees plus (new 2008 rate makes this a bit expensive)
2. inspection fees plus
3. kennel license fees.
For the first year. NO...........that is not the way it works.
How can they possibly believe they have the legal authority to do that?
You may apply for a kennel license anytime during the year. If granted (and they really cannot easily refuse to grant a kennel license) that means your dogs are licensed from Jan 1 to Dec 31, irregardless of when you actually get the license. You don't have to license a dog twice in one year! IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A KENNEL LICENSE, YOU RENEW IT BY JUNE 1 AND NO INSPECTION IS REQUIRED. There is nothing in the Dog Law of 1919 that grants authority to charge an inspection fee.
The township has nothing to do with it. You apply to the county treasurer with inspection certificate (FOR A NEW KENNEL) and the county treasurer issues the license. That is the law! Everything else they are doing is a violation of the Michigan Dog Law of 1919!
Read it for yourself MCL 287.270:
Read it for yourself MCL 287.270:
The department of Agriculture was charged with promulgating reasonable rules for kennels.
That would be Admin Rule 285 129 1 and that is what you are inspected for.
To see that you comply with that rule before you are issued a license for a new kennel.
I FOIA'd the county treasurer for a copy of the list of kennel owners.
This is what came back.
Please send your request to Animal Services & Enforcement: www.kalcounty.com/ac
They will be able to reply to your request.
They will be able to reply to your request.
Sharon A Cubitt
Kalamazoo County Treasurer
Under the Freedom of Information Act, as amended, I am requesting a copy of the list of kennel licenses for Kalamazoo County.
email is fine, if available.....save the postage
email is fine, if available.....save the postage
Apparently, in Kalamazoo County kennel licenses are not the responsibility of the treasurer. WRONG............that is the job of the treasurer, it is the law.
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