Thursday, January 25, 2007
On Jan. 14, I was walking my dog along a country road. In the field to my left I saw a tiny black kitten crouched on the carcass of a dead deer. There were no houses along this stretch. When I returned with a crate, I found that there were three tiny kittens huddled in the hollowed out rib cage of that deer carcass. They were soaked, matted, freezing and weak. If they were 4 weeks old, I'd be surprised.
To those individuals who feel compelled to get rid of their problems/annoyances by tossing them into a field to die, please consider this the next time you acquire an animal. Though the out-of-sight, out-of-mind mentality may work for an individual without a conscience, there are plenty of us whose conscience and moral upbringing demand that we deal with your irresponsible actions. You cost us time and money, and you caused a lot of grief.
Whether you care to believe it or not, every decision we make impacts the lives of others. If it is beyond your emotional ability to consider the animal that you are abusing, at least attempt to consider the human population that you mistreat and burden.
And to those who would say no one twisted my arm to deal with those kittens, please consider the difference between what is the easiest thing to do and what is the right thing to do. Looking the other way and walking on by those three kittens would be the easiest thing to do. Is it the right thing to do? No. The right thing to do is often the more difficult thing to do, but that's no excuse for not doing it.
Linda A. Yanta
Gaines Township
Gaines Township
Great letter......................the same applies to dogs and there are plenty of them dumped off
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