Van Buren County Michigan - OUTLAWS
As of the 2000 census, the population was 76,263, with an area of 611 square miles.
Their animal control appears to be enforcing The Dog Law of 1919.
As of the 2000 census, the population was 76,263, with an area of 611 square miles.
Their animal control appears to be enforcing The Dog Law of 1919.
The costs of a dog license in 2008 are:
Sprayed/neutered dogs
1 Year $5.00 3 Year $15.00
Unaltered dogs
1 Year $10.00 3 Year $30.00
After March 1st date:
Spayed/neutered dogs
1 Year $15.00 3 Year $25.00
Unaltered dogs
1 Year $30.00 3 Year $50.00
Van Buren County kennel license fees really take the cake.
There are between 45 and 50 kennels in the county.
A perfect minority to victimize!
Up to June 1st
1 - 10 dogs: License Fee $10.00, Inspection Fee $20, Total $30
11 - 19 dogs: License Fee $25.00, Inspection Fee $25, Total $50
20 + dogs: License Fee $25.00, Inspection Fee $55, Total $80
After June 1st1 - 10 dogs $60.00
11 - 19 dogs $100.00
20 or more dogs $160.00
Kennel Licenses run June - June
these do violate the Dog Law of 1919
these do violate the Dog Law of 1919
The license fee is legal, but the law does not provide for an inspection fee, nor does it provide for counties to make their own rules, regulations or policies with regard to kennels!
Keep in mind the law only allows
$10 for up to 10 dogs and
$25 for over 10 dogs
Van Buren County Animal Control Website is at
Van Buren County doesn't appear to have their own ordinance, at least none is referred to on their webiste. This is what their website does say:
There is Clerk/Dispatcher and Kennel Staff on duty during the hours the facility is open, while three Animal Control Officers in radio-dispatched trucks. Officers cover 632 square miles of Van Buren County roads. In 1997, a dog census of Van Buren County was initiated by Animal Control and a Census Officer was hired fulltime to keep this on going year round. All domestic animal complaints are handled, ranging from the licensing of household pets to livestock running-at-large and animal cruelties. After hours and weekend calls are handled by officers using a pager, and are dispatched through the Sheriff's Department. In 2000, Animal Control handled 1852 animal complaints and 201 animal bites.
$25 for over 10 dogs
Van Buren County Animal Control Website is at
Van Buren County doesn't appear to have their own ordinance, at least none is referred to on their webiste. This is what their website does say:
There is Clerk/Dispatcher and Kennel Staff on duty during the hours the facility is open, while three Animal Control Officers in radio-dispatched trucks. Officers cover 632 square miles of Van Buren County roads. In 1997, a dog census of Van Buren County was initiated by Animal Control and a Census Officer was hired fulltime to keep this on going year round. All domestic animal complaints are handled, ranging from the licensing of household pets to livestock running-at-large and animal cruelties. After hours and weekend calls are handled by officers using a pager, and are dispatched through the Sheriff's Department. In 2000, Animal Control handled 1852 animal complaints and 201 animal bites.
The fees for Van Buren County are $5 for an altered dog or $10 for an unaltered one. Fees are tripled if a dog owner fails to purchase by the deadline.
Perhaps the law should be reread before posting that a county is in violation:
Michigan Dog Law of 1919:
287.270: “Kennel” defined; kennel license; fee; tags; certificate; rules; inspection; exception.
The county treasurer or county animal control officer shall not issue a kennel license for a new kennel under the provisions of this act unless the applicant furnishes an inspection certificate signed by the director of the department of agriculture, or his authorized representative, stating that the kennel to be covered by the license complies with the reasonable sanitary requirements of the department of agriculture, and that the dogs therein are properly fed and protected from exposure commensurate with the breed of the dog. The director of the department of agriculture shall promulgate reasonable rules with respect to the inspections in the manner prescribed by law. The inspection shall be made not more than 30 days before filing the application for license. The provisions of this act shall not be effective in the counties of this state that are operating under the provisions of section 16 wherein the board of supervisors have appointed a county animal control officer with certain powers and duties, unless the counties by a resolution duly adopted by the board of supervisors accept the provisions of this act.
As the above states, "The director of the department of agriculture shall promulgate reasonable rules with respect to the inspections in the manner prescribed by law"
Nowhere does it say that the service of the inspection must be free of charge.
How do I contact the person that runs this site. I have some questions concerning licensing/kennel
I think you have to read deeper than that. These fees were set at a time when dog licenses were $1.
That would make the $10 and $25 considerably higher and some where - way back, I seem to recall that the intention was that the kennel license fee was to cover the "inspection", which was only done once and prior to the issue of a kennel license for the first time.
Now these counties are doing it annually.
There is also:
287.270b Kennel licensing ordinance.
Sec. 10b.
Any city, township or village having in its employment a full-time animal control officer may adopt an ordinance providing for the issuance of kennel licenses by the animal control officer on the same terms, conditions and fees as is provided in section 10. Upon the adoption of the ordinance the city, township or village shall be excepted from the provisions of sections 10 and 11 of this act.
No where does it say a county may do that.
There is also:
46.11 Powers of county board of commissioners.
Sec. 11.
(j) By majority vote of the members of the county board of commissioners elected and serving, pass ordinances that relate to county affairs and do not contravene the general laws of this state or interfere with the local affairs of a township, city, or village within the limits of the county
Perhaps you should read the law a bit more............
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