Dedicated to the fact the human race has chosen to live with dogs and to supporting the Michigan Dog Law of 1919, which appears to be so flagrantly disregarded by so many cities, townships and counties. Use the INDEX TO OUTLAWS for best results. This is a work in PROGRESS. SO COME BACK,you can comment or email questions.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Genesee Mt. Morris
.Posted by The Flint Journal Letter to the Editor November 08, 2007 08:59AM
Categories: Clio, Letters, Weekly
With regard to the article "Dogs seized" [Local News, Oct. 5, Page A3], I don't understand why the Genesee County Animal Control is enforcing the township ordinance. Wouldn't it seem that Mt. Morris Township is required to provide its own enforcement?
Also, wouldn't it seem like limiting the number of dogs a person has is unconstitutional?
It's too bad these rescue groups can't get together and challenge these illegal ordinances.
That ordinance is more in violation of the law than that woman could ever be.
Kay Lorraine-Lauro, Owosso
Friday, October 19, 2007
Ingham Resolution
ADOPTED - JULY 27, 2004
Agenda Item No. 54
Introduced by Commissioner Andy Schor, Chairperson, Law Enforcement Committee of the:
WHEREAS, it is believed that approximately 70% of dogs eligible for licenses in Ingham County are not licensed; and
WHEREAS, unlicensed dogs may pose a threat to the health and safety of the public; and
WHEREAS, if a licensed dog is found, the owner may be located and contacted; and
WHEREAS, a license ensures that a dog is rabies vaccinated; and
WHEREAS, a license provides proof that a dog is legally owned; and
WHEREAS, Ingham County desires to further improve the licensing process and enhance public compliance; and
WHEREAS, increased licensing could be brought about through an ordinance that ties licensing to the provision of veterinary services, specifically rabies vaccinations; and
WHEREAS, an amendment to the Dog Law of 1919 is necessary for Ingham County to enact such an ordinance.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ingham County Board of Commissioners request the Michigan Legislature to amend the Dog Law of 1919; MCL 287.290 Section 30, as follows by adding the bolded language to the section below:
A city, village or township by action of its governing body may adopt an animal control ordinance to regulate the licensing, payment of claims and providing for the enforcement thereof. A city, village, county or township adopting a dog licensing ordinance or ordinances shall also require that such application for a license, except kennel licenses, shall be accompanied by proof of vaccination of the dog for rabies by a valid certificate of vaccination for rabies, with a vaccine licensed by the United State Department of Agriculture, signed by an accredited veterinarian.
A County Board of Commissioners may pass a resolution requiring veterinarians within the county who administer rabies vaccinations to dogs to provide a description of the dog(s) and the owner(s) name and address. The resolution may require such veterinarian(s) to provide that information no more than twenty (20) days after administering the rabies vaccination. The County Board of Commissioners may provide for a civil penalty not to exceed $100.00 per dog for veterinarians who fail to comply.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is directed to send a copy of this resolution to the County’s legislative delegation, the Governor, and the Michigan Association of Counties.
It isn't enough they already have the verterinarians do their dirty work for them, guilt selling licenses, now they want to turn veterinarians into their own private dog police snitches. Somehow I don't think the vets would go for that.
They actually tried to do this!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEREAS my ASS!!!!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Bay County Michigan
Sec. 7. Any person who owns, keeps or operates a kennel shall on or before July 1 of the year following such ownership obtain a kennel license from the Treasurer and shall be subject to the following rules:
(d) The Animal Control Officer shall not issue to any person a kennel license unless such person complies with this Ordinance and the laws of the State of Michigan, including but not limited to Michigan Department of Agriculture Regulation No. 129 governing dog kennels, PA 339 of 1919, being MCLA 287.261-293; MSA 12.511-543 and obtains the written approval for the issuance of a kennel license from the appropriate township, village, and/or city zoning administrator.
(e) The fees for said kennel license shall be
fifteen dollars($15.00) for three (3) to five (5) dogs,
twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for six (6) to ten (10) dogs,
forty dollars ($40.00) for eleven (11) to fifteen (15) dogs, and
twenty dollars ($20.00) for each additional ten (10) dogs,
unless changed from time to time by a resolution or motion of the Board of Commissioners.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Admin Rule 285 129 1
(By authority of section 10 of Act No. 339 of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended, being S287.270 of the Michigan Compiled Laws)
R 285.129.1 Dog kennels.
Rule 1. (1) The following rule is hereby established to be effective on and after April 22, 1946:
(a) Any dog kennel which under Michigan state law is to be covered by a license shall be of such construction as will adequately and comfortably house any dogs kept therein at any season of the year. The buildings, including walls and floors, shall be of such construction as to be readily cleaned, and kennels and yards connected therewith used to confine kennel dogs shall be kept cleaned and free from accumulation of filth, mud, and debris.
(b) All dogs kept or maintained in connection with such kennels shall be furnished with a clean, fresh water supply and adequate and proper food to maintain such animals in a normal condition of health.
(c) The necessary inspections to be made under this rule to determine whether the same has been complied with shall be made by the dog warden, if there be one, otherwise by such person as may be appointed by the board of supervisors or the legislative body of the government unit involved. If no such appointment is made and in effect in any county, city, or village, then such inspection shall be made on behalf of the commissioner of agriculture by the sheriff or chief of police.
(d) In all cases, upon such inspection being satisfactory, a certificate of inspection shall be signed by such inspector on behalf of the commissioner of agriculture as required by the act.
(2) The provisions of this rule shall not be effective in the counties of this state that are operating under the provisions of section 16 of Act No. 79 of the Public Acts of 1933, being S287.276 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, wherein the board of supervisors have appointed a county dog warden with certain powers and duties, unless such counties by a resolution duly adopted by the board of supervisors accept the provisions of Act No. 245 of the Public Acts of 1945, being S287.261 et seq. of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
History: 1944 ACS 6; 1954 AC; 1979 AC.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Macomb County Michigan
Kennel License Fees
$24 for 10 dogs
$59 for more than 10 dogs.
December 2008
$45 for 10 dogs
$60 for more than 10 dogs
Macomb County Animal Control fees
Montcalm County Michigan
Kennel license fees
$35 for 10 dogs
$50 for more than 10 dogs
December 2008 kennel license fees are not on their website
but they do have new individual dog license fees
Montcalm County Animal Control
Newaygo County Michigan
Kennel license fees are:
$10 for 10 dogs
$25 for 11-20 dogs,
$25 for 20 +
and $30 for Boarding.
Then they have an inspection fee:
$40 for 10 dogs
$75 for 11-20 dogs
$125 for 20+ dogs.
Newaygo County Animal Control
Ottawa County Michigan
charges an inspection fee of $25 for each visit???
I'm not even sure what that means. How many visits could that possibly be?
December 2008 nothing on their website about kennels
only individual dog licenses
Saginaw County Michigan
charges an annual inspection fee of $35 for kennels.
Sanilac County Michigan
charges $35 for 10 dogs and $65 for more than 10 dogs.
December 2008 that link doesn't work anymore
Says veterinarians no longer sell dog licenses
charge for replacement tags
No info on kennels or license fees.
But I had them before
Treasurer’s FAQ
How do I go about purchasing a kennel license?
Contact the Animal Control Department at (810) 648-4831.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Ingham County Michigan Kennel Licenses
Ingham County kennel license fees are in line with the Michigan Dog Law of 1919, but then they tack on an "inspection fee" and require a kennel license where the law states "in lieu of individual licenses".
"Section 8. ................ In addition to the kennel license fee a inspection fee shall be charged for every inspection of a kennel at a rate of $20.00 for ten (10) or less dogs and $25.00 for more than ten (10) dogs. Failure to obtain such kennel license shall be punished as set forth in Article X, of this Ordinance."
That appears to have been increased at least once:
Animal Control Ten Dog Kennel Inspection Fee 42.00
Animal Control Over Ten Dog Kennel Inspection Fee 48.00
Then there is this from the minutes of the board of commissioners meetings:
c) The Animal Control department agreed with all initial proposed fees except for the Kennel Inspections. The department has restructured the Kennel Inspection format to ensure the kennels licensed in Ingham County are providing adequate conditions as dictated by the State of Michigan. More staff time and paperwork is now dedicated to complete the inspections and observations and meticulous report writing is now required. The required resources have more than doubled as compared to a year ago.
Iron County Michigan
kennel license is $20 per 10 dogs. nope not anymore-greedy suckers!
per their website 12/2008
kennel license is $40 per 10 dogs
Just mild confusion there.
Kinda stretches that "mild confusion" a bit.
Iron County Animal Control
Kalamazoo County Michigan
3-10 dogs $40
11-30 dogs $65
31 + dogs $105
These people just can’t stand it. They have to add something of their own!
They add this, as well.
Kennel License inspections and sales are done in the month of May. If you did not have a kennel license the previous year, than you must notify Kalamazoo County Animal Services of your request for a Kennel License in April. Bullshit! You may apply at any time, it is the law!
If you did not have a kennel license for the previous year, you must first check with your local Township Office to make sure that the Township will allow you to operate a kennel at your location, and provide written permission for a kennel from your Township. Bullshit! The township has nothing to do with it, it is the law! The law says the treasurer shall issue the license and there is nothing in the law that gives the treasurer authority to do anything else! Call this abuse of authority by an elected official.
Once a Kennel License is issued, it will be valid until the same time next year.
Pardon my "French", but this is just totally outrageous! ! ! and All violations of the Michigan Dog Law of 1919.
You don’t have to wait until April and have all your dogs licensed already by then. What a piece of work. These people are really bloodthirsty! This means, according to them, you have to pay double/triple for the first year. That isn't the way it works! This is just so outrageous.
According to them you would pay
Read it for yourself MCL 287.270:
They will be able to reply to your request.
email is fine, if the postage
Monday, February 19, 2007
Amendment to the Dog Law of 1919
of all the things that could have been, should have been, our glorious legislatures adopted this piece of crap. What this does is get us used to the idea so they can make it mandatory later on. Effective March 30, 2007.
Public Acts of 2006
Approved by the Governor
December 28, 2006
Filed with the Secretary of State
December 29, 2006
EFFECTIVE DATE: March 30, 2007
Introduced by Reps. Bieda, Alma Smith, Vagnozzi, Wojno, Condino, Gonzales, Lipsey, Spade, Steil, Amos, Gleason, Hune, Gaffney, Vander Veen, Drolet, Brandenburg, Zelenko, Leland, Phillips, McDowell, Sheen and Hood
AN ACT to amend 1919 PA 339, entitled "An act relating to dogs and the protection of live stock and poultry from damage by dogs; providing for the licensing of dogs; regulating the keeping of dogs, and authorizing their destruction in certain cases; providing for the determination and payment of damages done by dogs to live stock and poultry; imposing powers and duties on certain state, county, city and township officers and employes, and to repeal Act No.347 of the Public Acts of 1917, and providing penalties for the violation of this act," (MCL 287.261 to 287.290) by adding section 14a.
The People of the State of Michigan enact:
Sec. 14a. (1) When issuing a dog license pursuant to section 14, a county treasurer, city clerk, city treasurer, township treasurer, or the authorized agent of a city or township treasurer, including, but not limited to, a licensed veterinarian, an animal control shelter, or an animal protection shelter, shall also provide information to the dog owner regarding both of the following:
(a) The availability of microchip implantation and registration for dogs by a licensed veterinarian, an animal control shelter, or an animal protection shelter.
(b) The availability of a statewide tattoo identification registry for dogs maintained by the state department of agriculture.
(2) As used in this section, "animal control shelter" and "animal protection shelter" mean those terms as defined in section 1 of 1969 PA 287, MCL 287.331, and are facilities registered with the state department of agriculture pursuant to section 6 of 1969 PA 287, MCL 287.336.
Clerk of the House of Representatives
Secretary of the Senate
approved by the Governor 12/28/2006 @ 5:04 PM 2006 ADDENDA
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Van Buren County Michigan
As of the 2000 census, the population was 76,263, with an area of 611 square miles.
Their animal control appears to be enforcing The Dog Law of 1919.
these do violate the Dog Law of 1919
The license fee is legal, but the law does not provide for an inspection fee, nor does it provide for counties to make their own rules, regulations or policies with regard to kennels!
Keep in mind the law only allows
$25 for over 10 dogs
Van Buren County Animal Control Website is at
Van Buren County doesn't appear to have their own ordinance, at least none is referred to on their webiste. This is what their website does say:
There is Clerk/Dispatcher and Kennel Staff on duty during the hours the facility is open, while three Animal Control Officers in radio-dispatched trucks. Officers cover 632 square miles of Van Buren County roads. In 1997, a dog census of Van Buren County was initiated by Animal Control and a Census Officer was hired fulltime to keep this on going year round. All domestic animal complaints are handled, ranging from the licensing of household pets to livestock running-at-large and animal cruelties. After hours and weekend calls are handled by officers using a pager, and are dispatched through the Sheriff's Department. In 2000, Animal Control handled 1852 animal complaints and 201 animal bites.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Genesee County Michigan
As of the 2000 census, the population was 436,141 in 649 square miles
Animal Control Department
G-4351 West Pasadena Avenue
Flint, MI 48504
(810) 732-1660
Monday thru Friday 10:00-4:15
Saturday 10:00-2:00
The Chief Animal Control Officer is appointed under State law by the County Board of Commissioners and is charged with enforcing animal control laws in Genesee County including protection of the public, rabies control, and impoundment of stray and unwanted animals. The Chief administers the Animal Shelter and conducts educational programs. The Animal Control Officer is directly responsible to the County Board of Commissioners. Lloyd Gerhardt, Chief Officer 732-1660
WOW! There is a county that does it right!
Genesee County Dog License Fees are $5.00 and $15.00
Raised to $7.00 and $20.00 with $40.00 delinquent
I FOIA’d their budget
2003/04 $1,023,636 actual
2004/05 $1,074,659 actual
2005/06 $1,169,534 projected actual
2006/07 $877,543 adopted Budget
Hmm, they raised fees and lowered the budget,
but that is quite a budget.
It didn’t show where the revenue came from, nor how much revenue from dog licenses.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Abandoned animals cost time, money
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Gaines Township
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
$10 for up to 10 dogs and $25 for over 10 dogs .
Bay County Michigan
Ingham County Michigan Kennel Licenses
Iron County Michigan
Kalamazoo County Michigan
Macomb County Michigan
Montcalm County Michigan
Newaygo County Michigan
Ottawa County Michigan
Saginaw County Michigan
Sanilac County Michigan
St. Joseph County Michigan
Van Buren County Michigan
St. Joseph County Michigan
503 square miles population 63,000
now these guys don’t seem so bad.
Individual Dog Licenses are $5 & $10
$40 for delinquent seems a bit much.
I don’t know where they came up with their kennel license fees:
Less than 10 dogs $40
10-24 dogs $70
25 + dogs $110
these do violate the Dog Law of 1919
Keep in mind the law only allows $10 for up to 10 dogs
and $25 for over 10 dogs
St. Joseph County Animal Control website
Muskegon County Michigan Individual Dog License
This is pretty cute, they even provide a link to Michigan Dog Law of 1919.
They should try reading it themselves, especially MCL 287.289a and MCL287.266 Dog licenses; application; resolution; provisions; proof of vaccination.Sec. 6.(5) ………... The county board of commissioners may set license fees in the county budget at a level sufficient to pay all the county's expenses of administering this act as it pertains to dogs. ...........
From their website.
License Fees* ---As of 10/01/07-Beginning 12/01/07
Regular dog --------------$40--------------$50
Regular dog owned by a senior citizen (> 62 years)
Altered (neutered) dog --$10----------------$5
Puppy under 7 months --$10---------------$5
( They also set the dog licenses at $40 a year for non-sterilized dogs. I don’t know when that rate went into effect. $10 for altered animals with a senior rate of $20 for unaltered.
Their shelter report for 2005 lists 1953 canines, 236 felines and 2 ferrets taken in. That would be right around $274 per animal based on the 2006 budget.
There certainly could be some variation there, as of 2/6/07 their 2006 shelter report had not been sent in. I think it is due at the end of March. But the numbers seem to run pretty close to the same in the counties I have researched. This is a reasonable guestimate.
License/permit revenue was $437,980 making that 73% of their budget. I feel compelled to always remind that these ‘shelters’ generally take in as many or more cats as they take in dogs. That is not the case with this shelter. There are significantly fewer cats taken in. So far, nobody has separated the cost of taking care of the dogs and taking care of the cats.
Muskegon County Animal/Vector Control dog licensing
OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION (from their website)
Legal Requirements of Owning a Dog
Muskegon County Animal & Vector Control Ordinance(this is an Acrobat file, 20 pages……and it takes a while to download – OUTLAW ORDINANCE way over the legal limits)
Healthy Pets Healthy People (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention)
National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians (NASPHV)
Muskegon County's “Vector Control” does work out of the Health Department and they sure want you to know they are looking out for your health.
They gonna protect you from all those diseases dogs carry.
Maybe the most useful is a private website:
Very nicely done, lots of info about Muskegon County.
Ingham County Michigan Individual Dog Licenses
Located in the south central portion of Michigan's lower peninsula, Ingham County, the capital county of Michigan, is committed to assuring the identification and provision of services most important to its 279,000 citizens. ( their website January 2007).
Licensing Fees Effective January 1, 2007 Dog License Information (maybe that link works on a high speed line, didn't seem to on my dialup)
$40 a year for non-sterilized dogs.
The highest license fee in the state that I have found so far. Only two counties have that high a fee, Muskegan County is equal.
I sent a FOIA for their Budget and Shelter Reports. Wow, they are amazing. For 2006 they had a budget of $1.3 million. What on earth are they doing over there?
Department Generated Revenue was $435,000. They sold 21,894 dog licenses. That averages out to $19.87 per license. (But there could be other than dog license revenue in that figure.) I think the $40 per unaltered dog only went into effect in 2007. Previously it was $12 for altered dogs and $20 for unaltered.
Housing and care was $480,351. They took in 4902 animals, 2347 canines, 2553 felines and 2 ferrets. That means they spend $97.99 per animal. So why are they giving such great deals on their adoption fees?
Enforcement was $892,080, for an ‘estimated’ 7000 complaints, or $127.44 per complaint and 19 complaints per day, 365 days of the year. Well, I guess if they want to complain all that much, they have to pay for it, right? Seems to be excessive to me.
Then they have a $1,083,539 for ‘Personnel Services’. How many people is that? Is that ALL personnel? Enforcement and care?
These figures really don’t make very good sense. But that is what they provided me with.
Their Animal Control Ordinance goes way beyond what the Dog Law of 1919 allows.
It has also been used as the model for several other counties, thus "perpetuating the lie".
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Genesee=Otisville couple could lose dogs, livelihood

By Taryn Asher
FOREST TOWNSHIP (WJRT) - (01/16/07)--Any day now, an Otisville couple could lose their dog kennel and livelihood because of a long running dispute with Genesee County's Forest Township (Michigan).
The Burnetts bought their home and kennel back in 1993. But it wasn't until a couple of years ago they say the township told them about changes to a zoning ordinance -- changes they cannot afford to make.
Right now the Burnetts say they are running out of time and options.
"(I'm) very upset. These are basically my children. I raised them from babies," said Marilyn Burnett.
Marilyn Burnett and her husband Bud Burnett have been breeding, training and boarding German Shepherds for 40 years. They own Sandig Ufer Shepherds and have about a dozen dogs of their own.
Some dogs they show, others are certified therapy dogs the Burnetts take to schools and hospitals. But the couple recently learned they could lose their dogs.
"There goes my life," Marilyn Burnett said. "They'll be gone because that's what we do it for."
The Burnetts suspect Forest Township wants their property to support surrounding subdivision growth.
That's why they believe the township two years ago informed them about a 1996 change in the zoning ordinance and recently revoked their kennel license.
"They want us out of here," Marilyn Burnett said.
In fact, they've been been cited several times for not having a conditional use permit that would allow them to keep their kennel. But the Burnetts claim they can't get one.
According to documents from Forest Township, they would have to moved the kennel 50 feet from the property line and 150 feet from the road.
"We can't afford to," Marilyn Burnett said. "We already used up all of our resources."
"I don't know," Bud Burnett said. "It's tough because we put everything we had into the house there."
Now they say it's just a matter of time before Genesee County Animal Control will take and likely euthanize their dogs they have worked so hard to raise.
A sergeant at animal control says there's a good chance they won't have to take the dogs if they can find a place for them to go.
The Burnetts would like to appeal if they can get a lawyer to offer services for free.
We couldn't get comment from Forest Township because the township hall was closed for business Tuesday because of maintenance.
Genesee County's - Forest Township - Kennel grab
Genesee County's - Forest Township - Kennel grab
"Burnette" family with a kennel for 40 years and the township is going to confiscate their dogs
I don't have all the details, yet.
These people have showdogs and therapy dogs. There isn't anything wrong with them.
Forest Township says there was a change in the zoning law in 1996 and they have to have a conditional use permit.
I think these people are, at the very least, grandfathered in as far as any changes in the zoning law goes.
Just another "OUTLAW" government at work.