Saturday, February 10, 2007

Genesee County Michigan

Genesee County Michigan - GOOD GUYS so far, don't have kennel info yet

As of the 2000 census, the population was 436,141 in 649 square miles

Animal Control Department
G-4351 West Pasadena Avenue
Flint, MI 48504
(810) 732-1660

Monday thru Friday 10:00-4:15
Saturday 10:00-2:00

The Chief Animal Control Officer is appointed under State law by the County Board of Commissioners and is charged with enforcing animal control laws in Genesee County including protection of the public, rabies control, and impoundment of stray and unwanted animals. The Chief administers the Animal Shelter and conducts educational programs. The Animal Control Officer is directly responsible to the County Board of Commissioners. Lloyd Gerhardt, Chief Officer 732-1660

WOW! There is a county that does it right!

Genesee County Dog License Fees are $5.00 and $15.00
Raised to $7.00 and $20.00 with $40.00 delinquent

I FOIA’d their budget

2003/04 $1,023,636 actual
2004/05 $1,074,659 actual
2005/06 $1,169,534 projected actual
2006/07 $877,543 adopted Budget

Hmm, they raised fees and lowered the budget,
but that is quite a budget.

It didn’t show where the revenue came from, nor how much revenue from dog licenses.
Other Genesee County stories:


Anonymous said...

Have you ever been inside the GCAS? I invite you to stop in and see how this large, brick facility spends it's money. It's certainly not lacking in employees nor space. It's got several rooms for animals that they pick up on different days. However, these animals are stacked in cages, 2 high, with the top one being a whopping 4 1/2 feet off the ground. The animals in the top cages SHOULD be little ones that would easily be lifted in and out but not so. The bigger dogs have to jump ou and be dragged back in, they're terrified of falling and shy away from the door. Since the workers there don't offer assistance, it leaves possible adopters in a lurch and volunteers struggling to manage so they can walk the dogs.
There are ONLY cages there, the largest ones being maybe 4 feet wide by maybe 3 feet tall. Bigger breeds can't stand upright. No runs, no out of cage time unless volunteers take them for walks.
The automatic watering devices are mostly broken, dogs and cats frequently have no water. Their cages aren't cleaned often enough, animals struggle to lay down without sleeping in their own feces. The cage bottoms are also cage material, smaller feet (and bigger toes) get stuck. Some employees will power wash the cages with the animals still in them.
They have the room and budget to do it right but are indifferent to the animals' needs to the point of neglect.
Please, stop by and see for yourself.

MDOA said...

I don't think I could handle it.
If an individual were to keep their animals like that, they would be charged with cruelty to animals.

You are quite right, they have the budget to do it right. So why don't they? Some of these things just make no sense.

If anyone has any ideas as to how to make these agencies do right, I'm sure we would all like to hear them.

In the meantime, pay close attention to any and all charges this county may be filing against people for animal cruelty/neglect. They really don't have any room to talk and maybe a national organization might get interested in them.

Anonymous said...

There is a small group of people trying to form a volunteer group at this shelter. While the animal's welfare is our primary concern, I believe it will take on political connotations since the position of director is an appointed one and have resigned myself to a long, hard battle to get many of the problems there resolved.
Any concerned readers from Genesee County would be greatly welcomed!
Just visit the website and click on "it's all about the animals" at the bottom to find out more!

Interesting website! Keep up the good work.


Anonymous said...

I hate to see how these "people" take in all of the abandoned dogs an cats that were "treated wrong" and then go on to treat them the same way, I am hoping to put them out of business someday, I will be opening up my own adoption center/ boarding/grooming/veternarian kennel and I hope to take away all of the ways that they treat these poor animals, it will probably take a while, but it is the dreams I am living on, someday maybe you will drive by my place and stop in? adopt an animal that has had a rough past but is now getting the proper care that they deserve...

Anonymous said...

this SO rediculous, you have have to pay an obsene amount of money to adopt a dog the county wont take care of, pay them tax money on top of it and a useless employee cant even do their job!... what are they useing our money on?? where does it go? why are the pets so much money if they have problems adopting and end up having to euthenize!??

Anonymous said...

I would hardly count these guys as the "good guys". Several articles have been written about them lately, ranging from them having one of the highest kill rates in the country, microchipped dogs sitting at the shelter because of no policy for microchip scanning and the most recent was a dog being held for a 10 day rabies hold being euthanized "by mistake" after only 8 days, the body was cremated.

MO said...

I found my Ruby there. It was a terrible place. She had no water and was starving when I took her home. I can't bare to think about the way they treated her.